Health Sub-Sector
Irosin is host to public 25 bed capacity Irosin District Hospital and the private 13 bed capacity Irosin General Hospital. The IDH provides basic specialties on medicine, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics. The private IGH provides services on general medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and minor surgery. There are 14 clinics in the municipality, of which six are medical clinics, one pediatric clinic, one maternity and lying-in, one dental, one OB-Gynecology clinic, one orthopedic and three optical clinic. The Rural Health Unit is composed of the Main Health Center, two lying in facilities and 21 Barangay Health Stations. The RHU has one medical doctor, two nurses, one medical technologist, nine midwives, one sanitary inspector, and with 292 barangay health workers.
The top three leading causes of morbidity for 2022 are acute respiratory infection, animal bites and hypertension. For the same year, the top leading causes of mortality are acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and hypertension. Eight of the ten leading causes of mortality are lifestyle related diseases. The crude death rate is computed at 5.79.
There were 1,224 live births documented in 2022 and all were attended by skilled health personnel and delivered in a health facility. The maternal mortality rate in 2022 is 82.1 with one maternal death, and the child mortality rate (under 5 deaths) is 27.09 with 33 child deaths. The crude birth rate is 19.7. The coverage of fully immunized children is only 62%.
In terms of sanitation facilities of the 14,889 households surveyed in 2022, 90.8% has access to basic sanitation while 9.2% or 1,477 households has no toilet. The 2022 water facilities in Irosin are categorized into Level I, Level II and Level III water supply system. Households with piped in water supply comprises 45.1% of the total, those with communal faucets is 50% of households and only 4.9% are being served by Level I system.
In 2023, a total of 7,327 0-59 months old children were weighed to determine nutritional status. The following are the results compared to previous Operation Timbang Plus (OPT+):
Table 1. Top Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, 2022
Figure 1. Stunting, Wasting and Underweight Rate of 0-59 Months Old Children, 2021-2023
Other problems and issues that were identified on the health sub-sector are:
- Adolescent age 15-19 birth rate (per 1,000 women in the age group) is 25 in 2021
- Low TB case detection rate 81% in 2022
- Low TB cure rate at 38% in 2022
- Two new cases of HIV in 2022
- 1,443 cases of animal bites in 2022, with 2 rabies death in 2020 and 2 deaths in 2021
- 12 schistosomiasis endemic barangays, with 13 new cases in 2021
- 119 dengue cases with 3 deaths in 2022
- Increasing number of patients with mental disorders
- Less than 1% of population participating in blood donation activities
- Lack of doctors, nurses, medical technologists, midwives and sanitary inspectors as per WHO standard
- Lack of additional Rural Health Unit (RHU) as per WHO standard, poor state of and lack of space in existing RHU for laboratory and pharmacy space, only 21 out of 28 barangays have BHS
- Insufficient supply of medicines and medical supplies
Education Sub-Sector
Irosin has complete learning institutions from preparatory to tertiary level. There are five private preparatory school, one private school with elementary and secondary level, 29 public elementary schools, three public integrated schools, three public secondary schools and one private tertiary school with senior high level. Elementary education is provided by 29 public and one private schools. The public elementary schools were spread-out to all 28 barangays with an aggregated school site land area of 25.03 hectares. There are three public secondary schools, two integrated schools, one private and one tertiary school with senior high school level. Among the three public high schools, only Gallanosa NHS has complete facilities. In 2022, there are 337 public secondary schools teachers catering to 7,702 students. An additional 25 private secondary school teachers cater to 583 students.
Veritas College of Irosin is the only private tertiary school with courses offering on education (elementary and secondary), business administration, agricultural technology, computer science, information technology and criminology. The college accommodated 3,251 enrollees with 442 graduates in 2022. There is one TESDA training center with 8 instructors and 159 students in 2022.
The observed conditions of the education sub-sector are:
- Lack of classroom chairs and tables and educational materials
- Dilapidated school buildings and facilities
- Participation rate (SY 2021-2022) for DepEd District II is 99.69%
- Cohort survival rate (SY 2021-2022) for DepEd District I is 52% and for District II is 99.01%
- Completion rate (SY 2021-2022) for DepEd District I is 85.73% and for District II is 93.54%
- Drop out rates (SY 2021-2022) for DepEd District I is 0% and for District II is 0.27%
- Poor performance in NAT in reading and mathematics
- Presence of youths that are not in school, unemployed or under-employed
Social Welfare Sub-Sector
The municipality has facilities for social welfare including the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, Senior Citizens Office, Persons with Disabilities Office, Child Protection Unit and 36 Early Childhood Development Centers (ECCDs). Services offered by local social welfare sector are family and community welfare, child and youth welfare, women welfare, persons with disabilities, elderly welfare, emergency assistance, child protection, and gender and development services.
The ECCD clienteles in 2022 are 1,514 preschoolers served by 44 child development workers and 2 supervised neighborhood play workers. For child protection services, there were 27 documented cases of child sexual abuse, 8 cases of physical abuse and 7 cases of children in conflict with law (CICL) in 2022. There were 35 documented cases of gender-based violence in the same year. The drug rehabilitation services caters to 695 persons who use drugs (PWUDs).
There are 1,060 registered persons with disabilities in 2022 which were provided with disability IDs and booklets. The top five disabilities are orthopedic at 27% of registered PWDs, speech and visual at 14% each, psychosocial at 12.7% and physical at 8%. The number of registered solo parents totaled 369 in 2022. The total number of registered senior citizens in the municipality is 9,465. Of these, 3,247 are considered indigent senior citizens and receives social pension.
Poverty remains the main development challenge in the municipality. The poverty incidence of Irosin is 32.6 in 2018, compared to 28.5 in 2012 and 34.2 in 2009. The national government implements the poverty alleviation programs of KALAHI-CIDSS-NCDDP, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino (4Ps) and Sustainable Livelihood Program in the municipality. In 2022, there are 3,849 4P’s household beneficiaries in the municipality which is 30% of the total households. Emergency assistance in crisis situation (AICS) clients totaled 1,244 in 2022.
Other problems and issues that were identified on the social welfare sub-sector are:
- Unaccredited center-based ECCD services of 28 barangays
- Presence of unregistered solo parents
- An estimated 35% of PWDs are not registered and not provided with welfare services
- 61% of indigent senior citizens did not avail of grant from Social Pension Program
- 5% of senior citizens are neglected and abandoned
- Low participation of youth in community activities
- Political apathy of youth
- People with different sexual orientation and gender identity are discriminated
- Not enough office space to accommodate clients
Peace, Order and Public Safety
The local police and the fire fighting force primarily undertake the protective services and maintenance of peace, order and public safety. There are 35 PNP personnel in 2022 and the police to population ratio is 1 is to 1,739, which is far below the ideal 1:1,000 minimum standard. The police personnel is augmented by 391 barangay tanods stationed and mobilized in all barangays. The total crime volume in 2022 is 104 of which 15 are index crime and 89 are non-index crime. Rape constitutes 47% of the index crime. The crime solution efficiency of the PNP is 73% while the crime clearance efficiency is at 98%. A total of 153 road accidents and one armed encounter with armed groups were documented in 2022.
There are 18 firemen in 2022 equipped with three fire trucks. The local fire station is now dilapidated but a new fire station is under construction at INACT. Only one fire incident was documented in the same year. In terms of building and facilities for protective services, a new police station and a new municipal jail are located in INACT.
Figure 2. Crime Incidence, 2021-2023