Organization and Management

Local governance is divided into two major local government functions namely local administration and local legislation. The overall local administrative functions are assumed by the mayor specifically the implementation of the local policies and development plans and the supervision and control over the entire local government personnel. The formulation and enactment of local policies in the form of ordinances and resolutions is the function of the Sangguniang Bayan composed of the vice-mayor as the presiding officer, eight elected councilors and two ex-officio members.


The major offices are the Office of the Mayor, the Office of the Sangguniang Bayan, the Municipal Treasury Office, the Municipal Assessor’s Office, the Office of the Municipal Accountant, the Office of the Municipal Budget Officer, the Municipal Planning and Development Office, the Office of the Local Civil Registrar, the Municipal Information Office and the three frontline offices namely the Municipal Health Office, the Municipal Agriculture Office and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. Under the Office of the Mayor is the Municipal Administrator and attached to this office are Human Resource and Management Office, the Business Permits and Licensing Section, the Market and Slaughterhouse Section and the Municipal Nutrition Action Office. For 2022, the number of plantilla positions of the LGU is 145. Of these personnel, 27.16% occupies managerial positions, 17.28% are technical, and 53.71% are administrative.

Financial Management

In 2022, the total income of LGU Irosin was P 269,313,666.03. Income from local sources amounted to P 23,043,383.64 and income from external sources was P  246,270,282.39. The National Tax Allocation for the same year was P 245,622,522. The breakdown of local tax revenue is P 4,522,370.32 from real property tax, P 7,034,005.76 from business tax and P 672,301.5 from other taxes. Income from non-tax revenue are P 5,577,175.27 from regulatory fees, P 1,745,055.1 from service charges, P 3,036,586.97 from economic enterprise and P 455,888.72 from other general income. From 2020 to 2022, the local income has increased with an average growth rate of 9.64%.


For operating expenses, the LGU expended P 122,493,478.5 for general public services, P 56,045,842.93 for social services and P 25,428,084.53 for economic services. The public debt incurred by the LGU in 2022 is P 97,555,828.

The observed conditions of the institutional sector are:

  • Not all clients are responsive to the client feedback form
  • LGU targeting system or database is not properly utilized
  • Low RPT collected to total potentially RPT collectible
  • Unutilized grants amounting to P 18.568 M in 2022
  • As of December 2021, of the 77 prior year’s audit recommendations, 35 were fully implemented, 32 partially and 10 not implemented
  • Outdated sectoral plans, investment programs, DRR-CCA and other thematic plans
  • Limited number of CSOs are accredited
  • Limited number of CSOs actively participate in MDC and LSB meetings
  • Not all constituents are aware of public services and transactions
  • No database or information system for legislative tracking and SB performance monitoring
  • Identified plantilla positions in DTP not yet created
  • Detailing of personnel to other offices

Figure 1. Comparative Annual Income from Local Sources, 2019-2020 (SRE)

Figure 2. Source of Income, 2022

Figure 3. Operating Expenditure By Sector, 2022

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